Below are steps for setting up a price schedule based on volume.

Note: This can only be done if you are setting up a new price type or if your current price type does not already have a price schedule in place. If you have already created a price schedule, the option set up a volume based price schedule will be grayed out
  1. Access your event by logging into
  2. Click Set up
  3. Click Step 3 Registration Categories
  4. Click Add a price (if creating a new price) or Edit (located next to your currently created price)
  5. Select Volume based
  6. Input volume number
    • Note: This will be the number of concurrent registration sessions. And if within a 15 mins window, the concurrent session ever exceed the configured threshold, the price will increase permanently.
  7. Input new price
  8. Click Save
Example: Within a 15 mins window, there are 100 people trying to register (so there are 100 sessions), and at the moment the 100th people get in the system, the price increase will be triggered. And the 101th people onwards (despite in the same 15 mins window or not) will see the new price. Even if people from the previous 100 people drop out at this point, as it has happened, the price will not go back.
Note: Event directors can edit the volume thresholds of price-tiers which have no sales or do not have any quantity reserved for a pending sale.
Note: For how to skip the current price tier before it is sold out and move directly to the next price tier, please visit Skip Current Volume Pricing