After the Cart abandonment data collection feature is enabled, the Cart abandonment e-mail report will appear under each season for Cart abandonment activity management. This report displays data for customers who came back to complete registration later and if a reminder email was sent to customers who abandoned their registrations. If this feature has not been enabled yet, please follow the instruction in Cart Abandonment Data Collection

Please see the steps to view and exporting Cart abandonment e-mail report below: 
  1. Go to Reports under desired season 
  2. Select Cart abandonment e-mail report from report list 
  3. (Optional) Select desired Date range to Update the report data 
  4. (Optional) Select desired sessions or registration status on the report 
  5. (Optional) To export this report, click Export report button to export the report to Excel or HTML 
  6. (Optional) To send an email to potential customers in this report manually, select desired customers and click Email selected people, then walk through the steps of creating an email 
  • Note:  Record date and Registration date columns are in the agency time zone
  • Note: To setup Reminder email for cart abandonment, Please see Send Reminder for Abandoned Registrations
  • Note: Only Account Owner and Admin access role can view this report

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