Below are instructions to add players to a team using Maintain Teams and Team Builder after logging into LeagueOne.
1. Go to TEAMS > Manage Teams
2. Perform a search using the available parameters to limit the results returned, or simply click Find to view all teams
3. Within the results displayed, click on a Team Name to view the Team Maintenance screen
3. Click Add Players
4. Within the Add Players window that appears, select a Search Type
If many players need to be assigned to teams, an alternate option is using Team Builder.
1. Go to Teams > Team Builder
2. Select the following filters
1. Go to TEAMS > Manage Teams
2. Perform a search using the available parameters to limit the results returned, or simply click Find to view all teams
3. Within the results displayed, click on a Team Name to view the Team Maintenance screen
3. Click Add Players
4. Within the Add Players window that appears, select a Search Type
a. Unassigned Players (recommended

i. Includes players that have completed registration (payment and missing documents were accepted) that match the age group & division for the team
b. Prior Team Players
i. Includes players that were on a team that was linked as the Prior Team (there are restrictions to this option)
c. Click Search
d. Check the box(es) under the Select column for the players to assign
e. Click Assign
5. The Team Maintenance screen will refresh showing the newly added playersd. Check the box(es) under the Select column for the players to assign
e. Click Assign
If many players need to be assigned to teams, an alternate option is using Team Builder.
1. Go to Teams > Team Builder
2. Select the following filters
a. Age Group
b. Division
c. Season
d. Action
b. Division
c. Season
d. Action
i. Team Create
ii. Mass Assign
iii. Manual Assign
iv. Summary
Note: Additional steps are required for all of the above Actions
3. Click Go
ii. Mass Assign
iii. Manual Assign
iv. Summary
Note: Additional steps are required for all of the above Actions