- Sign in to ACTIVEWorks Endurance
- Click on blue magnifying glass
in top right hand corner
- Enter name, email, Order ID (C-______), or Registration ID (R-______) , press Search
- Note: You do not need to enter full name to search. You can search by partial name, first name, last name.
- Note: Search results will display single participant view if only one person matching search or it will display a list of participants if multiple matches are found.
- Click on the desired event and the desired registration ID
- You are now able to view participant registration details and current purchases, as well as take various actions on the registration
Things to Note
- Each registration is identified with a unique Registration ID that begins with R-______. Example: R-343HDF
- Each registration is tied to an Order ID (C-_____)
- Registrations that are completed together will be linked to the same Order ID
- If registration cannot be located, please review Registrants Cannot Be Found in Participants List as it is possible it is an Express Registration