Sponsors are a great way to say thanks to your supporters. Some teams even charge for sponsor placement on their website to help support the team, it's up to you. This feature is available to clients that are subscribe to the TeamPages Pro (Single Team), TeamPages Pro (Multiple Teams) , TeamPages All Star.

You can add sponsors by following these steps. 
1. Go to Settings
2. Click Sponsors.
3. Set the Rules on the Sponsor Page. 

  • Show All Sponsors or Set the Number of Sponsors to Appear.
  • Set the Sponsor Term.
  • Order Sponsor.
  • Cascade Sponsor.

User-added image
4. Click Save.
5. Start adding the Sponsors by clicking on Add.

  • Set the Name.
  • Add a Website Link.
  • Put a Description.
  • Upload the Image
  • Set to Cascade to Teams
User-added image