When making a training plan in 13.One, the tips below may be helpful to keep in mind:  

  • There are 12 weeks in total for training. The first training day is Rest Day.
  • Your long run day should be the same day as your event.
  • Long run day affects the date of START DAY, in another word, you could change START DAY by choosing different long run day.Here are three situations that how the START DAY changes by choosing different long run day:
  1. If today is Wednesday and the long run day you selected is Sunday or Monday, the START DAY will be next Monday or Tuesday.
  2. If today is Wednesday and the long run day you selected is Tuesday, the START DAY will be today.
  3. If today is Wednesday and the long run day you selected is Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, START DAY will be the following day of the selected long run day, that will be this Thursday, Friday, Saturday or next Sunday.