Registration report includes the following information:
  1. Registration number
  2. Event number
  3. Registration ID
  4. Registration category
  5. Price type
  6. Event start date
  7. Registration time
  8. Participant name
  9. Participant name: Last name
  10. Participant name: First name
  11. Age
  12. Date of birth
  13. Gender
  14. Day phone
  15. Email address
  16. Contact address - multiple fields including Address1, Address2, City, State Province Region, Country, ZIP/Postal code
  17. Registration status
  18. Canceled date (if applicable)
  19. Registration interface
  20. Payment status
  21. On-Site check-in time
  22. On-Site check-in by
Additional fields may appear depending on organization and event settings - below are some fields as a reference, however more may appear.
  1. Team information - multiple fields including team_name, team_role, team_captain_name, etc.
  2. Emergency contact information
  3. Bib number
  4. Signed waiver status
  5. Custom question answers
  6. Additional purchase item