Below are instructions to create the listing for a program after logging into Swim Manager and proceeding through registration dates within the program setup process.
  • Note: Many of the fields included are merely information and serve as a reference (if they should be expanded on)
  1. Enter details within the Description field to briefly describe the program, including information about registration deadlines, participation requirements (volunteering), etc.
  2. Enter Address information, which will be displayed on the public listing for the program
    • Note: The default address is pulled from Account > Organization
    1. Location name
    2. Address
    3. Address line 2
    4. City (required)
    5. State / Province / Region (required)
    6. ZIP / Postal code  (required)
    7. Country (required)
    8. Contact name
    9. Contact phone
    10. Contact email
    11. Program website (enter the full URL, such as
  3. Click Save & continue to proceed to activation