To allow registration outside an age/grade restriction, you can choose allowing online registration or completing an internal registration. We suggest internal method because it will ensure that only the individual participant in question will be registered outside the restriction.
  • To allow online registration:
  1. Change age or grade range in session setup to allow participant to register using this article Setting Session Restrictions
  2. After participant is registered, immediately change range back to original setting
  • Note: This method could potentially allow others to register outside restrictions 
  • For internal registration:
  1. From home page, under Actions menu, click Register someone
  2. Choose season and Continue
  3. Enter First nameLast name, and Date of birth (if known) and Search
    • If account already exists, under Exact matches click Register
    • If account does not exist, click Create a new record
  4. ​​Check Show ineligible sessions
  5. Choose session, tuition, any applicable session options and Continue
  6. Fill out form questions and Continue
    • Note: If existing account was chosen, previously answered questions will pre-fill
  7. Input Payment amountPayment informationPayer information, and Complete order