For an event that offers payment plans, Event Directors can view details of all payment plan payments by running Payment Plan Report. Please follow the steps below.
  1. On organization dashboard, click event name under Your events
  2. Click Reports tab
  3. Click Payment plan report
  4. (Optional) Select desired time period
  5. Click Download
  6. Once report finishes processing, click Payment plan report - XX/XX/XXXX
  • Note: Current date displays in place of XX/XX/XXXX, for example: Payment plan report - 12/21/2018
  1. Save report to your computer
  • Note: Default file name is payment_plan_report.csv
  • Note: At this time we recommend opening all reports in Microsoft Excel to avoid any formatting issues
In this report, you can obtain the following information:
  • Registrant's information: Registration number, Registration status, Registrant's name, Email address, Day phone, Address
  • Order information:  Order number, Order date, Order amount, Registration fee, Merchandise fee, Other fee, Discount, Refund, Processing fee, Order balance
These information are listed following the structure below:
One row includes the information of Payment plan name, Payment plan status and Next installment date which summarize the status of the payment plan for an order.
Other rows include the information of Payment for, Payment time, Payment amount and Payment status of each deposit and installment will be listed right below the summary row.