In order to login to most ACTIVE Network products, you must have an ACTIVE Passport. See links below to register/create an account, login, or retrieve your password.

If you are new to Swim Manager, please visit
for more information.
Below are instructions to login to Swim Manager:

Have more questions about verification codes? See Verification Code: Frequently Asked Questions or visit Contact Us to connect with Technical Support.
If you are new to Swim Manager, please visit

Below are instructions to login to Swim Manager:
- In your browser, navigate to
- We recommend that you bookmark this address in your browser
- Enter your ACTIVE Passport email address and password
- If you are using a private computer to which only you have access, then to stay signed in (for up to 365 days) after you close your browser or shut down your computer, select the Stay signed in option.
- If you are using a public or shared computer, then do NOT select to Stay signed in.
- The Stay signed in feature does NOT work if you sign out or your browser is in Private browsing, Incognito or a similar mode where cookies are not saved.
- Click Sign in
- Open the verification code email and copy-and-paste the verification code into the Verification code box:
- Selecting Don’t ask on this device after verifying checkbox places a cookie on the specified machine which is valid for 365 days and eliminates the need for verification code with subsequent log-ins.
- If you clear your cookies or use a private browsing mode, it will continue to require verification code at next login.
- Click Verify & proceed.
- After logging in, the URL will redirect to
- It offers the option to register a mobile phone number at which to receive future sign-in authentication codes.
- (Option) Click Skip to skip this step
- (Optional) Enter your phone number and click Send if you wish to receive verification codes using your mobile phone
- (Optional) Enter the code you received and click Set up
- After registering a mobile phone number, authentication codes for future sign-ins are sent by SMS text message to the mobile phone instead of by email.
- If the mobile phone number associated with user account needs to be updated, contact Technical Support for assistance.
- If you have access to existing programs and/or meets, you will reach the Agency User Interface (AUI) Home screen for your team as shown below.
- Note: New Feature Announcement will pop up if a new feature is available. See article: Swim Manager Homepage on how to navigate the dashboard.
- Alert: To protect your organization’s information, if the account you are using have insecure passwords, then during login you will be required to set a new password which includes at least 8 characters and three of the following: lowercase letters, upper letters, numbers or symbols.
Have more questions about verification codes? See Verification Code: Frequently Asked Questions or visit Contact Us to connect with Technical Support.