The following process describes the steps required for connecting ARC (ACTIVE Reader Cloud) compatible readers to the ACTIVE Timing software. This is useful in events where users desire to live-stream tag read data from remote read points.

NOTE: These instructions assume that you own a Super Elite Reader, and have already followed the reader connection procedure found here: Connecting Super Elite to ACTIVE Reader Cloud (ARC)
  1. On your computer, open an internet browser window
  2. Type in the IP address of your reader
  3. Type in, and press Enter
  4. Enter your ACTIVE Passport login information, and click Sign In
  5. Select the appropriate reader
    • NOTE: If you entered a unique Event Label, Point Name, and Serial number when originally connecting your readers to ARC, you should be able to easily identify them now. If not, then turn your reader's on one at a time while connected to ARC, and you can tell which is active by the green icon (ON), vs. red icon(s) (OFF).
  6. Under Reader Details, modify Reader Host Name, Event Label, and/or Point Name as needed
  7. Click Save
  8. On your computer, open ACTIVE Timing
  9. Open your desired Event
  10. On the Overview page, select Manage > Edit Event Label
  11. Enter an Event Label matching the reader(s) you desire to connect to via ARC, and click Save
  12. Configure your event/races like normal
    • NOTE: When you are creating new stations for your read points, you should now see your ARC readers listed as options in the drop-down menus. If you have not already added an Event Label (step 10 & 11), you will be prompted to do so now.

At this point, you should now be able to collect live tag reads for your ARC connected reader(s) through the ACTIVE Timing software.