The following process describes the steps required to remotely connect a Super Elite Reader to the ACTIVE Reader Cloud (ARC). This can then be used to stream live tag read data to the ACTIVE Timing software, or may be used as a backup for data redundancy.

NOTE: The following procedure assumes that you already own an Ethernet compatible MiFi device (such as the Huawei E5885Ls-93a), as well as an activated SIM card for 3G/4G connection. You will need to follow manufacturer instructions for initial device setup.
  1. Boot your Super Elite Reader
  2. With the reader connected to your computer via Ethernet cable, open an internet browser window
    • NOTE: We recommend using Chrome, as some functions may not work properly in other browsers.
  3. Type the IP address of your reader, and press Enter
  4. From the Reader Interface menu (top-left), select Settings
  5. Under Servers, enter a unique Event Label and Point Name
    • NOTE: These can both be changed later, but they will help you to identify your readers in ARC.
    • NOTE: Point names should always be unique within a single Event, but may be the same if used for separate Events. E.g.:
      • ReaderEvent LabelPoint Name
        1Some Cool EventStart
        2Some Cool EventFinish
      • ReaderEvent LabelPoint Name
        1Some Cool EventFinish
        2Another Cool EventFinish
  6. Ensure that the ARC setting is switched to the ON position (blue)
  7. Under Configurations, ensure that your reader's Serial Number is filled in
  8. Click the Send button (arrow/paper airplane symbol) at the top-center of the screen.
    • NOTE: Under normal circumstances, your reader should beep once when you do this, indicating that it has received the instructions. If you have disabled the buzzer, this may not occur.
  9. Power on your MiFi device, ensuring that it successfully connects to the internet
  10. Leaving one end of your Ethernet cable connected to the reader, remove the other end from the computer
  11. Connect this end to the Ethernet port of your MiFi device
  12. On the reader's Octal menu screen, navigate to: Main Menu > Setup > Network
  13. Select DHCP, so that the circle is filled in (all white)
  14. Return to the Main Menu
  15. Navigate to: Help > Codes
  16. Make note of the ARC code listed here
  17. On your computer, open an internet browser window
  18. Type in, and press Enter
  19. Enter your ACTIVE Passport login information, and click Sign In
    • NOTE: If you have already set up ACTIVE Timing or have an account through ACTIVEWorks Endurance, you should use the same login information. Otherwise, you may click Join Now to create a new account.
  20. On the main screen, click Add Reader
  21. Enter the ARC code from your reader's Octal screen in the Pin Code box, and click Save

At this point, your reader should be successfully connected to the ACTIVE Reader Cloud. For instructions on connecting your ARC readers in ACTIVE Timing, see the following article: Connecting ACTIVE Timing to ACTIVE Reader Cloud (ARC)