User-added image
  • Visitors - The total number of unique participants (visitors) who clicked to view your placement.
  • Views - How many times your placement was viewed by participants (i.e. some of those people who clicked on the placement viewed it more than once).
  • Actions - The total clicks on any of the action buttons on the placement detail page. These clicks include: Primary action (Learn, Shop, Print, Download), Emails, Prints, Website Visits. The Participant Action section reflects the breakdown sources for the actions. Actions are unique so an action is only counted once per participant or attendee.
  • Action Rate - The percentage of total Actions divided by the total Visitors to the placement. This number reflects participants who clicked the button to shop, learn or print your offer from the offer detail page, as well as the tally of actions from the My Placements page (including prints or emails to inbox). This is commonly referred to as the "primary action" since this interaction is key to the engagement process.
  • Saves - When a visitor views a placement detail they have the option to Save to My Placements. When a visitor saves the placement, the placement displays in their My Placements section and a Save is counted. A visitor can only save a placement one time so this count is a unique total.