Once the option of 'Don't ask again on this device after verifying' is checked, it places a cookie on the specified device which is valid for 365 days and agency user won't be asked to enter the verification code again on the same device. If you are still asked to verify every time, please make sure your browser isn't set to clear cache and cookie upon exit.
On Chrome browser
Select Vertical ellipsis button () in the upper right corner
Select Settings > Privacy and Security
Click Site settings
Scroll down to Additional content settings, click On-device site data
Unselect Delete data sites have saved to your device when you close all windows
On Edge browser
Select Horizontal ellipsis button () in the upper right corner
Select Settings
Select Privacy, search and services
On Clear Browsing Data > click Choose what to clear every time you close the browser
Toggle off Cookies and other site data
Closeall Edge browser and reopen for changes to apply
On Safari browser Safari doesn't have options to automatically clear cookies upon exiting.