By default, all events/races in ACTIVE Timing will include an Overall Division, as well as Overall Female and Overall Male divisions. However, you may wish to add additional divisions as well.
  1. In your event, go to Participants
  2. Select Race > Create Divisions
  3. Click the Plus Symbol (+)
  4. From the drop-down menu, select all races for which to apply the condition(s)
  5. On the top-right, click the Plus Symbol (+)
  6. Select Age Division or Custom Division
    • NOTE: Age Divisions may be applied to all participants, regardless of gender, or you may opt to separate each by gender by selecting the Male and Female checkboxes.
    • NOTE: Custom Divisions may be further modified into Unique Divisions, which provide two additional conditional options in the drop-down menu. By default, all Unique Division participants are excluded from being scored in other divisions. However, this behavior may be modified by going to Participants > Preferences, and changing either of the two Unique Division options available there.
  7. Set desired conditions
  8. Click Save