
If an event is collecting registrations in ACTIVEWorks and is being timed with The Race Director, this guide provides a step-by-step guide through the participant import process. By generating an API token in ACTIVEWorks and entering that into The Race Director, all the latest participant data can be downloaded instantly with no CSV/Excel files to import.


  • ACTIVE Passport login
  • Permissions in ACTIVEWorks to the organization that owns the event
  • ACTIVEWorks API token
  • The Race Director

Step 1 - Creating a new race

Using your browser, navigate to and login using your ACTIVE Passport. Select your organization and open the event for reference purposes.

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Now open The Race Director and select File > New to create a new race. You should copy the race name and date from ACTIVEWorks to fill in the ‘New Race’ dialog box.

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Step 2 - Configuring events/divisions

Verify that you’re working inside of the proper race by looking in the bottom left corner of The Race Director and checking the name of the event.

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Once you’ve confirmed the current race, select Tailor > Divisions.

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On the right side of the dialog box, select ‘Setup Events’.

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Create the events within your race (Half Marathon and 5K in the example).

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Next, build divisions and assign them to the proper events. Because each ACTIVEWorks registration category is designed to be a different distance, you should create a division that can match up with each category/price type.

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Note: If you plan to publish results to ACTIVE Results, you will need to close the Division setup and complete ACTIVE Results configuration before continuing.

Step 3 - Importing participants from ACTIVEWorks

Select Update > Participants and a new menu bar will appear across the top of the application.

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Locate the ‘Imp’ button to start the import wizard.

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Select and then choose ‘Import’. The registrations will originate from ACTIVEWorks so choose ‘Yes’ when prompted.

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Copy and paste your ACTIVEWorks API token. Select ‘Get Events’ and you will see a list of all events that your account has access to in ACTIVEWorks. Clicking on the event name will move you to Import Step 2.

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In Import Step 2, choose to ‘Assign Division based on Active Category’ and then you can build your mapping by clicking on the Division values for each Active Category. Optionally, you can sync the Active T-Shirt Descriptions with RD T-Shirt Cross Reference if you’re using that data in the timing software. Click ‘Get Registrations’ to continue.

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In Import Step 3, you have the ability to configure teams and map the custom registration questions before selecting ‘Create import’. After selecting ‘Create import’ the process is complete and the participants are now added to your event.

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