For locally created events (i.e., not imported from ACTIVEWorks Endurance, etc.), you may wish to import a participant list as an alternative to manually creating participants within the ACTIVE Timing software.
  1. In your event, go to Participants
  2. Select Data > Import Participants
  3. Click Browse
  4. Locate and select your spreadsheet file
  5. Click Open
  6. Import
    • NOTE: You will be given an opportunity to verify or change mapping for each spreadsheet column.
  7. Click Continue
    • NOTE: You may use the provided template by clicking Download Template or use your own file instead. If using your own file, be sure to include the required fields (listed on the import page). They do not need to use the same field names, but the actual data must be included in the file.
    • NOTE: In order to work properly, the Race column must be an exact match (case, spelling, spacing, & punctuation) to the Race Name in ACTIVE Timing. Be sure that you are using the name of the individual race, and not the Event Name