Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sync up your iScore app with TeamPages:

Step 1:

Download the iScore for Baseball app on to your mobile device. Apple or Android.
For tutorials on how to use iScore to score your games visit iScore.

Step 2:

Create your team and roster then start adding games to both iScore and TeamPages.

Step 3:

Locate your Customer ID# by clicking the Options button from the iScore home page.

iScore Options

 The Customer ID# will be at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: 

Add the Customer ID# to your TeamPage by going to SETTINGS > iScore > Save . Then Click on Manually request for a sync. 

User-added image
User-added image

Note: If the sync was successful, it should say We have successfully verified you iScore information. 

User-added image
Step 5: 

Set up the iScore Application. 

  • Create the League that your team joined on League Manager
  • Create the Team and the Roster on Team Manager. 
            Note: Team name and the name of the members "should be the same" as your Team's name on TeamPages.If                        not, there will be a possibility that it may not sync properly. 

Step 6: 

Go to Game Manager and Add the Game. 

Note: Game information "should be the same" as what you have set up on your TeamPage. (Visitor Team, Home Team, Scheduled date and Time) 

You can also set game settings when you click on options. 

Step 7:

Score the game by clicking on Play. 

Step 8:

Export the Score to TeamPages.

You can export the score by going back to the homepage and click on Options. Then you need to click on Export. 
A prompt will pop up, just click on YES.

Note: It will give a message of Success. Your data has been successfully exported to the server.

Step 9:  

Confirm if Scoreboard has been updated. 

Go to your TeamPage and click on Scoreboard. Click on Edit Stats, scores should be updated. For it to take effect and propagate on the Standings of your TeamPage, click Save.