If any part of a customer registration payment is refunded to the account credit, these funds can be internally reallocated to another registration instead of being refunded to the customer.

Make payment for internal registration:
  1. Complete Internal Registration 
  2. On Review order and check out page, choose Custom amount
  3. Enter amount of credit balance in box
  • Note: If amount owed is less than full credit balance, enter amount owed. Remaining credit will stay in credit balance.
  1. ​​Check box for Use customer's available credit balance
  • Note: Credit balance remaining amount will reflect the rest of credit immediately
  1. Click Complete order

Pay balance on existing order
  1. Click People tab
  2. Search and select desired participant name
  3. Locate and click desired order
  4. Click Make a payment
  5. Choose Custom amount and enter desire amount
  • Note: The amount entered has to be less than the available credit amount, otherwise, the option of Use customer's available credit balance will be disabled
  1. Check the box of Use customer's available credit balance
    • Note: Credit balance remaining amount will reflect the rest of credit immediately
  2. Click Submit payment

Note: To view how registrants use the credit balance, please visit How to Use Credit Balance on Participants End