When using multiple Readers, Timers are required to change the IP Address of the Readers to ensure that each Reader is not assigned to the same Default IP Address.  If you have a Super Elite Reader, you are able to change your Reader IP settings using the Dashboard Software.  Timers using our Lite Readers are able to change the IP Address on the Readers by using the Device Server Configuration Manager.  However, in order to connect to the Device Server Configuration Manager, you will need to Add the current and future IP Address of the Reader to the Compatibility View Settings within Internet Explorer.
  1. To Add the IP Address of Reader to the Compatibility View Settings within Internet Explorer, complete the following steps:
  2. Open Internet Explorer
  3. At top-right corner, select Gear Icon
    • Gear Icon
  4. Select Compatibility View Settings
    • Add IP
  5. Under Add this Website, enter appropriate Reader IP Address
  6. Select Add
  7. Select Close