Custom pages can contain any combination of text, images and links.  If you know HTML and CSS, you can customize the page even further by writing your own code.  If you are using the TeamPages free package, you can create up to 4 pages; all other users can create unlimited pages.

In the menus and pages section of the settings area, choose "New Page" to create a custom page.


You will be directed to a page composer window. Here, you can enter your page title, select privacy settings, and edit your page content.  The text editor has many standard features such as font size, paragraph formatting and links.


To upload an image, follow these steps:

1. Click the image button in the editor.


2. In the pop-up window, choose the 'Upload' tab and choose an image file.  Once chosen, click 'Send it to the Server'.


3. When the server is done processing your image, you will be directed back to the 'Image Info' tab.  Here you can edit the size of your image.


4. If you would like your image to link somewhere, you can set the link in under the 'Link' tab.


 5. Click save to input your image into you page


To edit an image you have already added, select the image and click the image icon in the page editor.


To view the source code of the page (HTML & CSS), click the source button.  It is also helpful to use the expanded editor when editing your custom page.  Click on the icon again to close the expanded editor.


Once you save your custom page, you can find it in the 'menu options' area of the menus and pages settings.  Click the blue gear icon to edit it, or the red 'x' to delete it. Drag and drop it into your active menu to add it to your navigation.