If you are a standalone team, or a league, club, or association, you can change your menu structure as much as you like. If your team is part of a club or league, you may not be able to edit the menu. If you do not see the 'pages and links' tab in your settings area, your menu is restricted. 

Depending on the theme you are using, you will have different menu options available.  Some of our themes offer three levels of Navigation (Classic & Homerun), while the rest offer 2 levels.  Check out the differences below:


In your settings area under 'menus and pages' you will see your current navigation displayed on the left side of the page.  On the right side are all your menu options.


Double click on an item to edit it's display name (for example, you could call your league 'home'). 


Drag and drop items from one side to the other.  Be sure to click save before navigating away from this page, or your changes will be lost.  You can also create dropdown menus and place menu items inside.  Custom pages you have created will display on the right side in the menu options. See our article on Custom Pages for more information.


If you would like to link to an external website or to a form, use the 'new link' option. Enter the URL you wish the link to go to and drag it into the menu stack on the left. 


If you are managing an organization, club, or league, you may have the ability to change all the menus here using the menu tabs. Check the box marked 'use main menu from ______ navigation" to keep your main menu bar consistent across all your leagues and teams.  When you do this, the menu options here default to the secondary nav (the one marked with a 2 in the menu examples above).  You can toggle between the main nav and secondary or tertiary nav using the dropdown menu.

When viewing the team navigation tab, you have the option to 'let teams modify their own menus'.  If you deselect this, your teams will not be able to make any changes to their navigation.