When you have a lot of games or events to schedule, TeamPages provides a multiple event creator that can save you a lot of time.  

  1.  Log in to TeamPages with Existing ACTIVE Passport Account

  2. Click CALENDAR menu

  • Note: If the CALENDAR menu is not showing in your site navigation bar, go to SETTINGS Menu & Pages > click and drag the Calendar menu option to the Current Menu to add it to your navigation.

  1. Click Add xx Event + 

  2. Click the Multiple Events option when you are on the event creator. 

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  1. Enter the number of events to schedule and that number will be provided in the form below.  Fill out the form and click Save.User-added image

It also has an option to upload a CSV file with compiled events: 

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***You can also try to check out our article on Recurring Events for additional instructions for setting up multiple events that shares the same properties.