After you send your invitations, you can review them in Virtual Event Bags to see the status of your placements. We have included Cost as a sortable category and is also a field in the CSV download to help you manage your prospective list year over year.  

There are two sections to help you identify where in the placement process your sponsors are:
  • Pending Invitations - invites you sent to companies but have not yet converted into a placement. You can resend invitations to remind companies to create their placement. The app shows you an invitation status of Sent, Opened, and Clicked Through so you know which of your sponsors have engaged with their invitation
  • Placements Received - placements that were submitted to your bag. Placements with a green check were created from an invitation link and the ones without were from the direct Content Builder link.
To review your invitations:
  1. Login to Virtual Event Bags account
  2. Click bag
  3. On left, Click Content > Contributors
  4. Review on site using Pending and Accepted tabs or use Export button to do more detailed reporting