Add attachments to your confirmation email, such as camp brochures, maps to camp, or follow-up documentation for participants to sign.

The attachments are listed as links in the Document links section in the recipient's confirmation email. Recipients can click the links for immediate download. 

  1. On Confirmation email page, click Customize
  2. Click Save and continue 
  3. Drag Document links box from right side and drop it onto canvas 
  4. Click Select files
  • Note: Allowable file types include: doc, docx, txt, csv, bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, jpe, png, xls, xlsx, pdf. Maximum size is 7MB per file. You can attach an unlimited number of files. All uploaded files are subject to ACTIVE's File Upload Policy
  1. (Optional) Click Upload new file 
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Note: To delete a uploaded file, select the file and click Delete button. 
  2. (Optional) Select desired file and click Open 
  3. Place check next to file name and click Select 
  • Note: The attached document appears in Document links on right side panel. To remove the attachment, click X next to file name​​​​​​
  1. (Optional) Click Text alignment icons to place document links as left/right justifying or centered 
  2. Click Save and Continue