Payment plans are a way to let your customers spread out the cost of session registrations over up to twelve installments. This allows people to register well in advance for sessions they may not be able or want to pay for all at once. Payment plans can be configured to be available to your customers online at the time of registration, or you can keep them hidden so that only users of your system can set orders to be billed on a schedule. To set up a payment plan, follow these steps.
- Under season name, click Setup
- From menu on right, click Deposits and payment plans
- Choose desired Deposit amount option and enter amount in appropriate box
- Note: Payment plans cannot be set up if customers must pay in full at checkout
- In Deposit option available until box, enter last available date for deposit option
- In Outstanding balance payment options section, choose Payment plan(s) with one or several installments
- Click blue Create a payment plan button
- Click Installments dropdown box
- Choose desired number of installments
- Enter Installment due dates
- For Automatic billing option, select Required or Optional
- Note: If optional is chosen, people who do not choose automatic billing will get an email that payment is due, but funds will not be automatically drafted
- Note: To make payment plans internal so only organization users can apply them to accounts, check box for Internal only
- Click Save payment plan
- Click Save and continue