New: Capacity Caculating Logic for Different Teams

New: Capacity Caculating Logic for Different Teams

To pay for teams, team captain can either choose to pre-pay or pay later for team members.
  • Prepaid teams allow team captains and event directors to prepay for team members. Once a team registration is prepaid, the captain or event director can send an invitation to the team member. The invitation contains a special registration link that the team member can use to register for the team. The spot is considered to be taken when the slot is pre-paid by team captain, no matter if the registration is redeemed or not by team member.
  • Defer-pay teams allow team captains to pay for their team after registration. Captains will be able to decide which members they will pay for. During the registration, team captain can set maximum limit of registrations that is willing to pay for, but capacity won't be taken into the count until the registration is generated by team members.
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