We recommend that you bookmark this address in your browser
Enter your ACTIVE Passport email address and password
If you are using a private computer to which only you have access, then to stay signed in (for up to 60 days) after you close your browser or shut down your computer, select the Stay signed in option.
If you are using a public or shared computer, then do NOT select to Stay signed in
The Stay signed in feature does NOT work if you sign out or your browser is in Private browsing, Incognito or a similar mode where cookies are not saved
Click Sign in
Open the verification code email and copy-and-paste the verification code into the Verification code box:
Note:If you would like to change the email address to receive the verification code, please Contact Us
Selecting “Don’t ask on this device after verifying” checkbox places a cookie on the specified machine which is valid for 45 days and eliminates the need for requiring verification code with subsequent log ins..
If you clear your cookies or use a private browsing mode will continue to require the verification code.
Click Verify & proceed
(Optional) Enter your mobile phone number to receive future sign-in authentication code, click Sent code, enter the code received and click Set up to register your phone number. Or, click Skip and you will log in.
Note:If you would like to change the cellphone number to receive the verification code, please Contact Us
ALERT: To protect your organization’s information, if the account you are using have insecure passwords, then during login you will be required to set a new password which includes at least 8 characters and three of the following: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers or symbols. FAQ for Verification Codes: 1. To which email address is the verification code sent?
The verification code is sent to the Email address that you enter on the Sign in page, provided it is a valid email address for an ACTIVE Passport account.
2. I no longer have access to that email address.
If you are a staff member of the organization, then please contact the organization’s administrator to create a new account for you using an email address which you can access.
If you are the organization’s administrator and need to change the email address used to access your account, then please contact ACTIVE technical support.
3. I didn’t receive a verification code email.
Please check your email account’s spam or junk email folder. We recommend that you mark the email as not junk or not spam to avoid future emails being misplaced.
To resend the verification code email, after the countdown elapses, click Resend.
4. What does the Stay signed in option do?
If you are using a private computer to which only you have access, then to stay signed in (for up to 60 days) after you close your browser or shut down your computer, select the Stay signed in option.
If you are using a public or shared computer, then do NOT select to Stay signed in.
The Stay signed in feature does NOT work if you sign out or your browser is in Private browsing, Incognito or a similar mode where cookies are not saved.
5. What if I get a ‘There are no organizations listed under this account. Please try again or create an organization on the right’ error message?
Please clear your browser’s cache and then try to sign in again.