Why Credit Card Information is Needed for the First Refund Attempt?

Why Credit Card Information is Needed for the First Refund Attempt?

The first time a refund request is submitted through Active Works Endurance, the system will prompt for a credit card from your organization. This is for guarantee purposes and also a verification process to allow Active to recognize the information and the legitimacy of your organization. Please see below:
User-added image
Meanwhile, the credit card is kept on file in ACTIVE in the event that the amount of refunds processed in a pay period exceeds the amount of revenue, meaning that you have sent out more money in that period than taken in with registrations. If this happens, ACTIVE will cover those refunds for you, but at some point, the balance to ACTIVE must be returned. Generally, it will be recovered by deducting from the next pay period or by an invoice generated from our Accounts Receivable department. The only case where a credit card would be charged is if the money could not be collected through other methods first.
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