Registration payments of every Setup Team Registration Online is completed all at once. Therefore, only one Order ID is generated. This order is associated to the whole team, instead of one individual. While reviewing participant individual page of either team captain or members, you will notice total order amount is displayed as zero. To issue a partial refund to a group-registration team, you need to open Order Summary page to proceed.

Below are instructions to issue a credit or partial refund to group-registration teams without cancelling registrations 
  • Note: At present, refund capability must be enabled by support. Please submit a support request to gain access to this function
  1. Open desired event under Your events
  2. Access participant information page of team to refund
    1. Click Participants
    2. Search with participant name
    3. Check participant name > Click View
  3. Click Order ID under Current purchases
User-added image
  1. Click Apply credit under Actions from the right
User-added image
  1. Only check and enter CREDIT AMOUNT for items to be credited
User-added image
  1. Click Next to proceed and complete
  • Note: Once a credit is issued and the remittance cycle ends, the participant will see the refund within 5-7 business days
  • Note: If this is the first time a refund is initiated, a valid Credit Card is Needed