Spot registration trends, assess improvements and declines, and predict future registrations by comparing a season's monthly registration totals to those of prior seasons/years.
Registration totals do not include canceled registrations.
To compare registrations over time:
  1. Click Season name from Home tab
  2. Go to Registrations over time
    • Note: Current season's registration totals are depicted by a blue line
  3. Hover over dots to view number of registrations per month
  4. To compare to another season, select season from Compare to drop down menu
    • Note: Other season's registration totals are depicted by a yellow line
  5. Hover over dots on blue line to view how many more or less registrations were received in current season compared to another season
Note: To view registrations per a period of time, a custom report can be used. For more detailed instruction, please refer to Creating Custom Reports