Create email templates for pre-session notifications, reminders, marketing, and anything else you would like to communicate to your registrants on a regular basis. The template saves all aspects of your email except the recipients. You can select from your saved templates when Creating an Email to save time and ensure consistency. 
You can also Copy an Email Template if you only need to make minor edits based on an existing template.  

To create a template:
1. Select Email tab
2. Click New and select New template from drop down 
3. Input Template name 
4. Input Subject (Optional: Insert merge fields if needed) 
5. (Optional) Select Edit Next to From email address to change name or email address 
6. Click Save and continue 
7. Drag and drop items onto the canvas from Add items section 
8. (Optional) Drag Image and drop it onto the canvas, click Select Image to add an email header  9. Drag Text and drop it onto the canvas, double click text box or click the pencil icon on lower right hand corner to edit email body 
  • Note: You can select the Font, Backgroud and Text color on Text section from the right 
10. (Optional) Drag Divider and drop it onto the canvas and use it to separate different parts of your email 
11. (Optional) Drag Document links and drop it onto the canvas, click Select files to attach documents in this email 
  • Note: Acceptable file types include: DOC, DOCX, TXT, CSV, BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, XLS, PDF and XLSX
  • Note: All uploaded files must adhere to Active Network's file upload policies 
  • Note: Maximum size per file is 7 MB. 
12. (Optional) Drag Button and drop it onto the canvas to add a button with link 
  • Note: You can select the button font, button and background color, button label, button link, corner and alignment from the right. 
  • User-added image
13. (Optional) Drag Code and drop it onto the canvas if you need to paste your custom HTML code and design the email. 
14. (Optional) Drag Social Media to insert your organization's social media URLs so that your email recipients can follow you online.
  • Note: Available social media are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. 
15. Click Save and continue to move to preview page 
16. On preview page, preview your email on both desktop and mobile devices before sending  17. Click Save and continue to save the template 
  • Note: After saving, the page will be directed to template list where you can view all the templates created