Below are instructions to activate registration and publish an event on 
  1. On Organization Dashboard (HOME), under Your events, click Event name 
  2. Click Setup tab
  3. Click Activation
  4. Choose either one of below options:
  • Activate registration later to save changes, but leave registration closed for all categories and price types
  • Activate registration now or on a future date
  • Note: This will allow registrations immediately or on the date(s) selected. To apply different dates and times:
a. Check the box next to desired categories and price types
b. Click Edit
c.  Adjust End date/time
d. Adjust Start date/time
e. Click OK
  • Note: The new dates and times are visible within the Registration open and close dates box
  1. (Recommended) Click Preview registration form 
  2. Check box next to Publish your event listing on
  • Note: It may take up to 24 hours for an event to appear
  1. Click Save & continue
Note: If the associated payment account for this event is wire, then registration cannot be activated until the wire payment account is approved by ACTIVE.