Limits for discounts can be set up during the discount code's creation to ensure the discount is not used by a registrant more than one time. Event directors often limit the number of total uses for a discount code, as well as what registration categories the discount applies to.

Below is a list of instructions for how to set up limits for your event discounts.

Note: The system automatically restricts the number of discounts that can be applied to an individual transaction. Each transaction can only have one discount applied. If two discounts are entered, the system will only accept the larger of the two discounts.
  1. Access your event by logging into
  2. Complete the discount creation
  3. Set Maximum number of uses
    • Note: Setting a Maximum number of uses will prevent the code from being over-used. This typically works best when offering a certain number of free or discounted registrations for your event.
    • Note: The discount code will be valid for multiple participants if they are registered during same transaction despite the number of uses set
  4. Check boxes beside appropriate categories and price types for discount
    • Note: Participants that attempt to use the discount code for their registration within an unchecked category or price type will receive an error message.
  5. Click Save