If you would like to offer your currently registered participants the option to defer to next year's event, we suggest to allow the participants to choose whether to cancel their entry or defer to a later event by themselves, then allow the registrants to enter your new event without being charged by using their registration ID as a 100% off code.

Please see detailed steps as below:

Allow the registrants to choose an option between Cancellation and Deferral:
  1. Create Form Questions to allow participants to choose whether to cancel their entry or defer to a later event. (Drop-down question is recommended.)
  2. Edit event setup Enable Participant Self-edit options for MyEvents to allow participants to edit their registration form question
  3. Draft an email to your registrants following the steps Send an Email to a Custom Segment
  4. In the email content, request your registrants to Edit My Registration in MYEVENTS portal before a deadline date, otherwise their entry will be automatically deferred. 
  • Note: You can remind your registrants that if they choose to deferral, their registration ID without hyphen can be used as a 100% off code to enter new race. (For example: R-103BCXG5 > R103BCXG5).
  • Note: You may also want to remind your registrants that if they are registered by someone else, they can either claim their registration or ask the person who registered for them to answer this question.

Prepare 100% off Discount Code for your registrants who had chosen Deferral:
  1. After the deadline,  you can either Run Registration Report or Creating Custom Reports to check which registrants had chosen to defer their event entry
  2. Filter out the registrant who have chosen Deferral and those registrants who haven't answered the question to copy out their registration ID and save it in another excel. 
  • Note: To remove hyphen in all registration IDs you copied out: Please press Ctrl + H on your keyboard to enable the Replace function on your registration ID list, input hyphen "-" in the Find what field, and leave the Replace with field blank, click Replace all.
  • Note: You may want to create separate code files for different event categories.
  1. Follow the steps in Upload File to Create Bulk Discount Codes to upload the registration IDs as complimentary codes in your new event for each price type one after another.
  • Alert: Please make sure you have configured  usage limit as 1 when configuring the codes parameter.
  • Note: If you would like the registrant to defer their entry to a higher price event category, you may configure the discount to be give on a specific amount basis instead of 100 percentage off.
Send out notification email to your registrants when your new event is ready for registering.