Below are the steps to draw / upload event course map to be displayed in Spectator Mobile App:
  1. Log in to ACTIVEWorks Endurance and choose approrpriate event
  2. Click Tools tab
  3. Click Event app
  4. Select COURSE MAP
  5. (Optional) Click Upload KML/KMZ file radio button under Method to upload a map .
  6. (Optional) Click Draw radio button under Method to start drawing a map.
    1. Start drawing by Snap to road or Free draw
      • Note: Click Reset at lower right to start over as necessary.
      • User-added image
    2. Click map to draw
    3. Click marker sign to indicate landmarks or water stations along course
    4. Add marker by clicking on course > Enter Marker Title > Identify marker > Upload image
      • User-added image
  7. Click Save
  • Note: Switching to the Upload a KML/KMZ file method deletes any previous manually-drawn map (switching back to the Draw method also deletes any previously uploaded KML/KMZ map file).
  • Note: Clicking the tooltip displays KML/KMZ file formatting requirements for single-sport and duathlon/triathlon races.
  • Note: When using the Upload a KML/KMZ file method, event directors cannot edit the uploaded map.