Drawing Chance Entries

Drawing Chance Entries

Once a chance entry price type has been setup, the registered participant entries must be selected (or drawn) for those athletes who will be participating in the event. Below are instructions on how to select chance entry participants: 

NOTE: Registration must be turned off to begin Chance Entry drawing
NOTE: The participants that are not selected via the draw automatically receive an email stating that they were not selected
NOTE: Registrants who are selected will be automatically charged the second price. Registrants who are not selected (receiving the "Not Selected" email) will not be charged any additional fees. However, the initial registration fee is forfeited (not refunded) as chance entries are similar to lottery registration
NOTE: ACTIVE Processing fees of the 2nd selected registration payments are absorbed by organizations
NOTE: Registrants entered as admin will not go through drawing process, but become the confirmed participants automatically
  1. From Organization Dashboard (HOME), click event name
  2. On Dashboard, click Manage chance entry
User-added image
  1. Under Quick Links, click Begin chance-entry drawing
  2. Click Turn-off registration and continue to start drawing now
User-added image
  1. Enter number of participants to be drawn from the chance entry registrations
  2. Click Start drawing
    • Note: If no chance-entry participants have registered yet, the Start drawing hyperlink will be grayed out
  1. To process accepted participants, click Accept
  2. To view selected participants, click View
  3. To redraw, click Re-run
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