Each of our themes comes with an image slider that you can activate using the News & Announcements feature. Go to your News & Announcements page or widget and add a new announcement. 


Under the announcement body, you have the option to attach an image.  You must attach an image in order to activate the news slider.  Ideal image size is 750px wide by 500px tall.  Once uploaded, check the box labeled "display in news slider".
User-added image

If you have created the announcement from the Organization Page,  you have the option to choose where your announcement will display.  If you choose to cascade the announcement down to the team level, it will display on all team home pages in their news sliders.  If you are managing a single team, you will not see these options.
You will also have the following options: 

  • Email everyone in TEST ORGANIZATION with this announcement
  • Allow users to comment on this announcement
  • Shorten post and include “Read More” link

If you have a Facebook Page associated to your TeamPage, you will have an option as well to post it on your Facebook Page. 

User-added image

Post your announcement and go to the home page to view your slider.  Sliders occupy a fixed position on the page and cannot be moved like other widgets.  In order to get the 'sliding' effect, you need at least two announcements displayed in the news slider.


The image slider is a completely optional feature and can remain de-activated by not displaying any announcements in the news slider.