If you encounter the error message below while completing refunds, it’s possible you have reached the refund limit of the current pay period.  The total amount that can be refunded within a remittance period will be limited to the current unpaid remittance balance. Here are some Refund Limit FAQs to also review to answer a few frequently asked questions.

Error Message:
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If you reach this refund limit, please contact out Support team here. In order to lift the refund limit and prefund your account, we will help create a report of those that still need to be refunded to generate an invoice for your agency. Once that invoice is paid, those refunds can then be processed.

Current unpaid remittance for pay period of March 1-15 = $1,500 USD
Fees charged for this period is $100 USD
Total amount available for refund is $1,400 USD

Note: To check for your current unpaid remittance amount, you must run the Active Account Statement Report. Please see this article: Viewing and Exporting the Active Account Statement Report

Note: To view your prefunded funds balance, please check Prefund adjustments item in Active Account Statement report. To know more about Prefund adjustments, please see this article: Reconcile Payments with Active Account Statement
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Note: If you don't reach refund limit and still cannot process refunds, please contact support for assistance.