Add Manual Charge to Registrants

Add Manual Charge to Registrants

When additional charges are required for existing registrants, you can follow the instructions below to (1) add an internal item as admin charge and (2) charge participant by using the internal item as admin.

Here are the steps required:
  1. Create an internal-only item for the admin charge
    1. Go to Step 8 of the event setup
    2. Click Edit
    3. Create a new item and name it as the charge reason accordingly by following steps here: Create New Products for Additional Purchases
    4. Select Internal as Availability by following steps here: Change Availability Restrictions for Additional Purchases Products
      • Note: Please ensure to set it as Internal so that this item will not be appearing during the public-facing online registration process
  2. Apply manual charge to existing registrants
    1. Open an individual participant page
    2. Add charges by purchasing the admin charge item created at Step 1 by following steps here: Add Purchases to Existing Registrations
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