When your event team need to gather responses from registrants to questions that have many response choices (E.x.: registrant’s nationality; local running club or wave which the registrant wishes to join), you can follow the instruction below to import large numbers of response choices from a CSV file for a drop-down styled form question.
  1. Log in to ACTIVE Works with Existing ACTIVE Passport Account
  2. Click the target event's name
  3. Click Setup tab
  4. Choose Form questions from the menu
  5. Click Edit form button
  6. Click Custom questions from the menu on the left side
  7. Add a Dropdown menu question
  8. Scroll down to Response choices, click Batch import 
  9. Click Choose file to upload a csv sheet from your computer
  10. Click Apply after the file being uploaded successfully
Note: The CSV file must be formatted with one response choice per row in the first column; up to 5000 response choices (excluding empty cells or duplicate response choices) will be imported.
Note: Imported response cannot be edited.If you swap to Manual Entry after the import, all previous imported responses will be erased.
Note: If an event with imported response choices is copied to create a new event, then the imported response choices are also copied to the new event.
Note: On public registration interface, registrants are able to search for their target response by key word instead of scrolling down through the whole list.