The Referral summary component provides agency users (with the Event financial reports permission) with a breakdown of: 
  • How many registrations were referred from each source, including social networking referrals (Facebook and Twitter) and traditional referrals (SMS, Email and Other).
  • Registrations, Merchandise and Your fees revenues earned from referrals.
  • The performance of Referral rebates. 
ComponentRequired permissionRoles with the required permission
Referral summaryEvent financial reports  
*Custom roles with the required permission selected. 
User-added image

The Referral sources ring chart displays the proportions of registrations that were referred from FacebookTwitter, SMS, Email and Other sources. The Total number of referred registrations is displayed in the center of the chart. The legend and percentage breakdown of referred registrations by source is displayed to the right of the ring chart. Hovering the cursor over a legend entry highlights the corresponding ring chart segment. 

The Revenue from referrals ring chart displays the proportions of referred revenues from Registrations, Merchandise sales and Your fees. The Total referred revenue amount is displayed in the center of the chart. The legend, percentage and amount of referred revenues by source is displayed to the right of the ring chart. Hovering the cursor over a legend entry highlights the corresponding ring chart segment. 

The Referral rebates summary section displays: 
  • The ROI (Return on Investment) of Referral Rebates (100 * Gained / Spent).
  • The revenue Gained from referrals with Referral Rebates (Referred registration revenue – Rebate).
  • The amount Spent on Referral Rebates.
  • The Number of referral rebates awarded.
  • A Details link to open the Tools > Discounts > Multi-person discount page. 
Note: If multi-person discounts are not enabled, then the agency user is advised to contact their account representative to upgrade their account.
Note: If multi-person discounts are enabled, but no referral rebates have been configured, then the agency user may click the Set up referral rebates button to Enable Referral Rebates