Allow your participants to make a deposit or to pay nothing at the time of registration. Then set a due date for the balance to be collected later. You can set the remaining balance to be collected all at once on a specified date, or you can set the balance to be collected in a number of installments on dates that you also specify.

You can set the deposit as a percentage of the session tuition or as a fixed dollar amount.

If it appears that the online registration form requires participants to pay slightly more than the deposit amount, this is because they are also paying the registration fee charged for each online registration (see Registration and Processing Fees)

Note: Deposit requirements and options for paying the remaining balance are associated with an entire season, so the same conditions will apply for registrants in that season. You can, however, configure certain payment plans that are only available internally, which will not be offered to online registrants. You can also use distinct seasons to support different deposit and payment plan needs for different sessions.