In season setup you can select whether you want registrants to pay in full, pay nothing, or pay a fixed dollar or percent deposit at checkout. To set up a deposit:

  1. Click Setup under season name
  2. Select Deposits and payment plans
  3. To set a dollar amount for deposit select Customers must pay a deposit of $__ in order to check out and enter dollar amount
  4. To set a percent for deposit select Customers must pay a deposit of __% of session tuitions in order to check out and enter percent amount.
    • Note: Percent deposit will be a percent of all tuitions at checkout, not including session options
  5. Enter Deposit option available until date
    • Note: Once this date has passed customers will no longer have the option to pay a deposit and will be required to pay the full balance amount at checkout.
  6. Select how you would like customers to pay off their remaining balance
    • ​​If you select Collect remaining balances on a specific date:
      • ​Enter Due Date
      • Select if Automatic credit card billing should be Require or Optional
    • Use this article ​​Setting Up Automatic Billing for instructions on setting up payment plans
  7. Save and continue