Session tuitions are able to have Member Restrictions added to their set up. This will allow for membership to be required to purchase tuitions, or even hide the tuition from non-members.

To set up membership restrictions to a session tuition:
  1. Select Setup under desired season
  2. Select Sessions on right side bar
  3. Click on name of applicable session
  4. Scroll to Session Tuitions
  5. Select Edit Detail on right
  6. Go to Membership restriction to select restrictions type
    • No Restriction: Customer can view, register, or purchase a session without purchasing a membership
    • Require membership to Register/Purchase: Customers do not have memberships are requires to purchase one at time of registration
    • Hidden from non-members: Customers cannot view, register, or purchase if they are not currently members.
  7. Select Save at bottom of window
  8. Select Save at bottom of page