Registrants may be asked to send in follow-up or supplemental forms (see Add a follow-up form for a season or Setting up follow-up forms to add these to the season setup).

Registrants should log into the online account to access these forms, download them, fill in the information, and upload them again. After the completed forms are uploaded, they are available for reporting purposes in Camp & Class Manager (see also Managing supplemental forms).

There are few possible statuses for a Supplemental / Follow-up forms. For Follow-up forms, the status will change from Not Completed to Completed once a registrant fills out the form. For Supplemental forms, the status will change from Not Received to Received once a registrant uploads the document.

To review a received form:
  1. From Home page, select desired season by clicking the Season Name
  2. Select Supplemental forms tab
    • Note: This tab may have a number next to it, which displays the total forms received but not yet reviewed
  3. From All statuses drop-down, select Completed or Reviewed as desired
  4. Check Show only unreviewed forms box
    • Note: The list will filter for only those who have sent forms that have not been reviewed by the organization
  5. Select Action beside form name
         a. For supplemental form, select Manage uploaded files or Mark as not received
b. For follow-up form, s
elect Preview, Edit or Mark as not Completed
  • Note: Selecting Edit or Preview will change the form to be considered reviewed
To change the status of a form, use this article: Update Status of Participant's Supplemental Form(s)
For assistance downloading certain forms, use this article: Downloading Submitted Supplemental Forms