Create Team Waves

Create Team Waves

Below are instructions for how to create team waves after logging into an event in your organization
  1. Select the Setup tab, click Registration categories
  2. Click Add a category - select answers from dropdown box of the required categories:
  1. Sport Type 
  2. Distance
  3. Display Name
  1. Click Save to return to the Registration categories screen
  • Note: the newly added category appears at the bottom.
  1. Click Add a price - within the Add a price window that appears, select the following (all items are required, unless marked as optional):
  1. Price type
  2. Display Name
  • Note: Label the Display name based on your first wave.
  • EXAMPLE: 8:00 a.m. Wave
  1. Price
  2. (Optional) Enter GL code
  3. Check the box next to Allow self-registration teams, check the box next to Allow participant to upload file after registration, and adjust Price schedule to include price increases
  4. Click Save
  1. Repeat step 4 for each wave you are entering:
  1. Change Display name depending on which wave you are entering
  • EXAMPLE: 8:15 Wave, 8:30 Wave, 8:45 Wave
  1. Click Save
  1. To cap how many people can register for each wave:
  1. Click Edit next to Price restrictions
  2. Enter the maximum number of participants in Capacity
  3. Click Save
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