Set Up Two-Step Registration Process for Expo/Special Events

Set Up Two-Step Registration Process for Expo/Special Events

Two-step registration is a useful tool when an event director is at an expo or other special event and wants to accept registrations for an upcoming event but only have time to gather basic information from a registrant. The following information details how to configure the collection of basic participant information at the expo (via offline registrations and using the on-site app).

Before Expo
  1. Add a new Registration Categories specifically for individuals to sign up at expo
    • Note: Organizers may choose to collect fees up front at expo or have individuals pay once registration is completed in second step
  2. Edit Form Questions to apply to registration category so that only basic information is collected
    • Example: First name, last name, gender, email, birth date
  3. Create VIP Group for individuals registering using two-step registration flow
    • Note: After expo, you will invite registrants to complete sign up using a VIP invitation
    • Note: If registration fees collected up front at expo, organizer can set up a discount for VIP group so individuals will not need to pay when redeeming VIP invitation
  4. (Optional) Create Edit Registration Confirmation Email for individuals signing up at expo - message should advise that a separate email will be received detailing how to complete registration

During Expo
  1. Obtain participant first name, last name, gender, email, and birth date for all registrations collected
  2. If internet connection is available, enter Offline Registrations with a computer or tablet

After Expo
  1. Enter Offline Registrations collected at expo (if unable to do so on-site)
  2. Manage VIP Groups created prior to expo
  3. (Optional) Add invitees and send customized VIP Invitation Email, if desired
    • Note: Organizers can send default invitation email sent to registrants or export VIP URLs and send a custom email to each individual
  4. Once registrants Accepted a VIP Invitation and obtain unique link for registration, they can proceed to complete full registration
Note: Individuals registered in this flow have two registration records - for race-day purposes, count only full registration collected using VIP invitation (not initial registration including only basic information)
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